Hi Everyone,
Thank you to all who have written to me at [email protected] with questions and the like, and so sorry I've been away from this blog for so long. I'll try to do better, but things haven't settled down enough yet for me to get back here as often as I'd like. However, here are a few updates:
--First, I've been getting a lot of requests to be considered for recipe testing. Unfortunately, I don't have any book projects going right now but, if and when I do, I will announce it here and put out a call for testers. I can't, however, keep a backlist for that so please don't assume that if you asked to be put on a list that you are on a list--I don't keep a request list at this point. Maybe someday, but I hate keeping people hanging on, especially . So each project will get announced and then we'll create a list specific to that. Thanks for your understanding.
--The new book is coming out on Oct. 28th. I was excited to see that on Amazon it is already listed as the 4th best selling bread book, and it hasn't even come out yet--pretty neat!! That mean a lot of you have placed pre-orders, so thank you to all who have done so. I've mentioned signed copies in past posts but would like to try something different this time around, just to expedite things and to save you money. If you send me a stamped, self-addressed envelope to: Peter Reinhart, PO Box 79157, Charlotte, NC 29271, I will send you a signed bookplate to paste into your book. This way you can buy the book from your favorite bookseller at a better price than I can offer you and still get it signed. In your note, please say who you would like the bookplate(s) to be signed to.
--For those in the Charlotte area, we will be having a "Dinner with Peter" event on Saturday, Nov. 7 at Pie Town. I will give a short reading from the new book, we will have books available (Borders will be handling the sales), and we can hang out for the evening. Call Pie Town at (704) 379-7555 for price, time, and other details.
--We are in the editing phase of our pizza show--the first cut looked great but now we're in the second round of fine tuning-- and hope to have announcements soon about a website where you can get a sneak preview of some of the segments. Very exciting but still a work in progress. Check back here from time to time and I'll post the details as soon as we're ready to launch. I'm loving what I've seen so far....
--Am working on some June classes in the Cleveland and Western Reserve area and should have those dates when I post next time.
--On Sunday, Nov. 15th I'll be at ICE in Manhattan--don't know if there are any seats left but call them if you're interested in attending: (212) 847-0796 or www.iceculinary.com
--Upcoming classes in Texas at a number of Central Markets: January 27 in Houston; 28th Austin; 29th San Antonio; 30th Fort Worth; Feb. 1 Dallas, and Feb. 2 Southlake. Call the cooking school at the store nearest you for details or check out the Central Market website.
--Other classes: February 23, at Sur la Table Newport Beach, CA; Feb. 24 Sur la Table LA Farmers Market; Feb. 26 and 27, Let's Get Cookin', Westlake Village; March 2 and 3, Ramekins, Sonoma; March 4, Draegers, San Mateo. There will be one additional class offered in a different city and state on March 6th, but I can't announce it yet (hint, it will be in either Reno or Salt Lake City--still to be determined). Classes also in Kirkland, WA on April 17 at Sur la Table, and in Portland, OR on April 19, also at Sur la Table.
--There will be more classes in a city near you at some point during the coming year--I will keep you posted via this blog and, hopefully, via our new pizza website when it launches.
More to come soon. Till then, may your bread always rise!!